Our brands represent the often invisible yet essential products and services that support people’s lives each and every day.
The kitchen counter where you eat your breakfast. The roads you drive on. Where your garbage goes. Our brands provide the products and services you need to go about your daily life.

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Premium lawn care products and garden soil amendments from composted leaves, yard clippings and household organics. One of the largest and most successful composting, soil blending and packaging facilities in Canada.

Providing sustainably sourced bulk soils and mulches. Natural mulch and soil, growing media and soil amendments. Grinding and processing waste wood for hog fuel as a low carbon fuel alternative.

GrowBetter Gardens™ Soil and Mulch is sustainably sourced and made from 100% renewable, recycled materials. Bagged soil and mulch products that are peat free and made of composted ingredients and 100% recycled products. Our high-quality soils and mulches are an earth-friendly alternative to others on the market.

An industry leader in pavement preservation, specializing in the application of asphalt emulsion technologies. Providing the provincial, municipal and ICI sectors with underground servicing, site development and road reconstruction for over 40 years.

Nutrient-rich, pasteurized fertilizers for agricultural applications. A biosolids-based product and a sustainable low-cost alternative to agricultural lime.

An aggregate and construction company operating quarries, sand and gravel pits, and asphalt plant and a state-of-the-art ready mix concrete plant in the Owen Sound area. A subsidiary of Walker Aggregates, Sutherland Construction also provides a range of roadbuilding services, commercial and industrial site development.

Providing high-quality aggregate and asphalt to communities across Ontario. Quarries, sand and gravel pits and asphalt plants serving Niagara, Simcoe and Essex.

An industry leader in pavement preservation, asphalt emulsion technologies, hot mix paving and quality concrete applications.

Providing a wide range of asphalt and wax emulsions used in road construction, pavement preservation, wood products and many other manufacturing applications. Servicing Canadian and U.S. markets out of operating locations in Ontario, South Carolina and Oregon.

Developing landfill gas utilization and control projects across Canada through our partnership with Comcor Environmental. Transforming landfill gas methane into heat and electricity used by local industries and the municipal power grid.

Providing consistent, quality grease trap cleaning and services across Canada. Sustainable, long-term solutions for grease trap cleaning and preventative maintenance.

Offering a wide range of services including composting, biosolids management, grease trap cleaning and wood grinding leading to greener outcomes. Transforming organic waste into fertilizers, mulch, compost and alternative low carbon fuels.

Providing waste disposal services including residential and commercial landfill services in Niagara and Halton regions. Safe, responsible solutions for disposal, logistics and transfer.