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Case Studies

8,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide reduced

from traditional energy sources annually

1,000 homes powered

annually from landfill gas

30,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions prevented

from being released into the atmosphere annually

Project Benefits

  • Provides renewable energy and contributes to Ontario’s green energy goals
  • Reduces potential for odours at Walker’s Niagara landfill
  • Provides additional distributed electrical generation capacity for the province
  • Reduces up to 30,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions relative to 1990 levels by preventing landfill gas from being released into the atmosphere and an additional 8,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide as a result of displaced coal-fired generated electricity

About the Facility

The East Landfill Gas to Energy Facility takes landfill gas and directs it to one Jenbacher JGC320 internal combustion reciprocating engine.

  • The engine is direct coupled to a 480-volt synchronous 1 MW generator.
  • The electrical generation is stepped up to 13.8 kV for export to the local distribution system owned by Niagara Falls Hydro, now known as Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc.
  • The engine consumes approximately 600 standard cubic metres per hour (350 standard cubic feet per minute) of landfill gas.
  • Other than for routine maintenance, the genset (engines) will operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year and the flare will be used as a standby landfill gas control combustion device.
  • The engine/generator is packaged in a standard ISO steel container which houses the engine, generator, lubrication, cooling, controls, switchgear, and exhaust systems. The engine is equipped with an exhaust gas silencer to minimize noise emissions.

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